QQQ The Incredibles

Theme by mrj QQQ

This theme was inspired by one of my favorite Disney/Pixar films. It has 16 HD/SD backgrounds as well as a complete set of movie based icons. Any fan of this film will get a kick out of the icon placements.

Download Here (HD)
Download Here (SD)

13 thoughts on “QQQ The Incredibles

  1. QQQ the Incredibles. Jump to 20K with no nod!

    Perhaps 2 Jack Jack

    only upon request

  2. I just switched this back on , pics look good on my tv, a couple are stretched, specifically Dash is a bit. But the Frozone pointer is just too cool. Gotta be haters. The vita is playing the game, that’s fake too , the game wasn’t adapted for it. That’s just a screen shot manipulated.

  3. HMMMMM ……They were smaller pics but I didn’t think they looked that bad that’s why I didn’t re mat them. Ah it’s a reason anyway. I worked my (_!_) off on the render work on the icons. The date/time watch isn’t even real , I used the dvd, a real watch and hands and a second hand. Ya gotta love thie bubble gum kid.

  4. I didn’t vote, but most of the images are stretched/skewed. Maybe people just don’t like the Incredibles (they must be crazy). Of course there are the haters.

  5. -6 eh? ……..Sure would like to know why, thinking SD version , it’s set up for 4:3 ratio , so if you have “Display” settings at 16:9 take the HD version, OR change your output settings.

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