Theme by OPTIMUS
Hi Dahl! As I promised, here is the Scrubs theme you asked me.
Sorry, I found few images that were suitable to make a theme… in return, I created specific icons only for this theme: there are syringes, plasters, stethoscopes, microscope slides, some anatomic part and so on…
In addition, the icons are updated to 3.15 firmware version, but since I’ve not updated my console yet, I don’t know if the new MINIS icon is visible or not: then let me know, ok?
Well, it took me a while, but I did it!
Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Download Here
i played the demo, and that wasnt there, i thought it was ok as it was, seeing all the blood spewing. the controls are perfect, the combo’s are easy to pull off but you need tio time your attacks. im still waiting for another onimusha though, but i don’t think it will happen, and if it does they might still ruin it.
Oh yeah, God of War: March 17 is near!
I just learned something new about it: when you’re finishing an enemy, the view will switch to first person and the massacre will be seen… through the eyes of the enemy! O_O
i uploaded it now. I will wait for god of war, because I have noooo money. i left the creature from the awakening box in.
Still work in progress, huh? When you said “finished” I thought you had already uploaded it: well, better this way!
That your idea of the “awakening box” style thing intrigues me a lot: I hope that is not exactly the thing you’re getting rid…
Hey Yogosan! Do you know what they are suggesting about Heavy Rain bugs?
1st-for the problem while saving data: wait at least 5 minutes to be sure the data is not corrupted (WHAAAT?)
2nd-for the other bugs during the game: do not turn off the console (oh yeah! If the game freezes or something else happens, I leave my PS3 ON for a whole week…!)
Absurd! And it looks like that are coming out other problems not verified yet… HOW SAD :(!
Well, at the end I bought Dante’s Inferno: what a game! Totally insane, completely nuts and in certain scenes can be highly disturbing… It can be considered a shameless clone of GoW, but it’s done very well. The Divine Comedy like you’ve never seen…
i’m still fine tuning a few things on the dao theme. getting rid of any that don’t work well enough, i noticed how some icons were not up to scratch with the others
Mmmm… I think they should make a “drinking simulator” just for you…
Yep, I remember that part, but it went fine to me. Instead, I had some problems in the caves of Orzammar, when you have to face that disgusting “dark mother”: the game crushed a couple of times and brought me back to the entrance of the caves! Nevertheless, in the RPGs is more likely there are bugs (considering how immense they are), but the Heavy Rain problems are incredible!
You’re right, is unforgivable: better you’ve not bought it yet, and seen how things are, I don’t buy it either even if reluctantly…
Why should I do? To download a 200MB patch ONLY to be able to play it??? No, thanks, I’m very disappointed! Maybe I’ll buy Dante’s Inferno.
damn thats weird, i read alot of reviews and i heard there are voice over and graphical bugs, but system crashes is inexcusable. they should take as much time as they need yo make a game. i havnt got it yet, i keep spending my money on drink
dragon age has alot of bus aswell. i dunno if you remember this part, in the werewolf ruins, you must complete a sequence, picking up a cup, filling with water, put it on an alter, take a drink, and pour the water back in the pool. it is supposed to unlock a door, instead it treleported me into the room, but didn’t unlock the door, and it autosaved so i had tpo load it 4 hours earlier 
Damn! Heavy Rain is full of problems and bugs: freezing, sudden black screens, tearing and even system crashes when saving data!!!
I’m starting to be very tired of these games, so complex that are not even be able to run properly on a console… and what makes me more angry is the fact they believe to get away with a patch when you’ve already paid 70 euros for a potential masterpiece that actually “makes water from all sides”!
Good! I’m waiting for it.
What’s next?
Ok then, you’re in half swing…

But it’s normal: to be good, a Dragon Age theme takes… AGES!
i’v been working on this for a long time, i wouldnt say i’m in full swing
Yogosan’s back, guys! All hail Yogosan!!!
I’m pleased you’re in full swing and I seem to feel even a strong enthusiasm in your words…
about 25 more icons now. it seems almost perfect so far. the colors are in good harmony, the icons integrate nicely into the backgrounds, the backgrounds are very cool, and took ages to get perfect, although i’m using the spider thing from the front of the “dragon age awakening” box, which doesnt look nearly as bad as the arch-demon box art….nearly finished!
im finishing up my dragon age origins theme, i wont lie, its my best yet. for hd at least. you won’t even need to like the game. although i must still do about 50 icons, but the hard part is over
will do
No problem, bro! Stay tuned!
i love it man sorry i didn’t see it right away, but i’ve been kind of busy, again thanks a lot !!
Hey Dahl! Don’t mention it!
Long time has passed since the day you asked for this theme and I started to think that you were no longer coming here to check. The fact is that I had to watch an entire episode of this series to understand what it was :P… then I started to work on the theme. I hope you like it!
Thanks for sharing.
Well, your speech is flawless Yogosan, and I’ve always agreed with you about the fact that Sony make us pay for themes that don’t even have a great quality, so I have to admit that your idea is not bad.
If all this were possible, I probably start making themes there too, or maybe (time permitting) I redouble my efforts uploading themes themes both here and there…
However, given that soon Sony will activate a service fee to gain access to various downloadable content, I don’t know how much your proposal might be feasible…
In any case, if this were to come true, know that I would be the first to follow you!
i’v always said how much i hate the fact they charge for basic themes on psn, so if they did allow user created themes, i would start theming non-stop and step up my game, and i know you would too, and f-rott draic montage and the others, (there are lots of others out there) it would make sense for sony to take free, superior themes instead of paying for that other crap.
maybe i should email the guys at the ps3 eu blog and see what their thoughts are on user created themes. they basically decide what goes on the EU psn. im sure they would respond, they are a cool bunch.
As you wish, Yogosan. Now, your exams are more important, but think carefully about what I told you in the comment above (it is very long
but I hope you’ve read…)
However, one thing you can be sure: we’ll be here waiting for you!
i think the themes im finishing off will keep you guys going for a while. when all my exams are finished i might have time to start fresh in the summer. iv always had on/off stages, maybe when i realise what im missing i will be back full time. but that wont be for a while
My PS3 is over 2 years old & i’ve had ZERO problems with 3.15 update either online or otherwise.
May have just been a bug in 3.0 (it happens sometimes) or from a few comments on PSN some people who’ve installed larger Hard Drives to their machines had a few bugs.
Yes, I know, but… this is the fun and the passion I told you about.
You know Yogosan, I never claimed to be number one: first because for me the themes creation is mostly a hobby, a fun and not an indispensable source of life; then because I think that trying to be the best of all at any cost, at the end is only a way as any to destroy precisely that fun which should be the basis of themes creation.
That’s not to say that someone should not be ambitious, but I think that too much ambition can lead to situations like the one we discussed in your heavy rain theme comments, and the fact you said that, creating themes, you don’t have the same fun like before (because all the best themers are gone) in my opinion is the proof.
I fully understand that having “valid points of reference” can help to make things better, to have fun in creating something that is always a level higher than the previous one, but this doesn’t mean it’s not possible to go ahead even without those points…
Have you enjoyed so far? GOOD!
Are your themes increasingly improved since you started? EVEN BETTER!
MOdus, Montage Mik, F-Rott or anyone else are gone? NO PROBLEM! They have walked their way, you will continue to follow your own, even without them. This means that your themes will continue to improve though, and you’ll can continue to have fun creating them. And when you reach the highest possible quality, I don’t see what else might prevent you from continuing. No matter how many time is needed to create a theme or an icon set: THE FUN AND THE PASSION ARE THE KEYS!
Honestly (and with all the respect I have for those themers, since I knew F-Rott on another site) I don’t think that without you they are “suffering” the same problems as you were doing…
You know, in my opinion the real challenge (and then the real fun) do not reside in trying to be the best or at least as good as the others, but in having the ability to create every time something different and original, because (as rightly Madthemez said) each one of us is good in its own way and on different levels. Only few manage to be really original, but I’m sure at least half try to be, because in any case have fun.
FOR EXAMPLE: I always hated Super Mario, but when you made the theme about him, I loved it and immediately downloaded it (not to mention your Old School theme…)! And do you know why? Because it was ORIGINAL and different from others I seen until then.
Here! I think this example fully sums up everything I said or I intended to make you understand.
I hope you read everything I wrote, because if you really think that “being surrounded” by great themers is the only “fuel” that can make you go forward, then I’ll be very sorry to know you’re leaving for this reason.
In any case, I’ll be very sorry to lose an ORIGINAL THEMER like you…
nice job, i can tell alot of time went into this. now you can imagine the ridiculous amounts of time it takes to make an entire icon set that you might never use again. it’s rewarding at the start though. the only time i tried to make that style of icons wa with my oldschool theme. it really opened my eyes to what i could with enough time……….5 stars
Thanks Madthemez.

This is what I meant when I told you about the passion and fun that exists in creating hand made icons: the theme can be something very simple, but as you can see the difference is in the icons (even if it takes a lot of time).
For this reason many of them may appear “ready to use”…
However, votes are always an average of the amount and as you can see in the mini-list on the far right of the screen, Yogosan’s theme is climbing again. So… you can vote without problems
Ok, the minis icon is visible: meanwhile I updated my PS3 (hoping not to have problems…)
decided not to give a rating Optimus, Yogosan’s Heavy Rain 2 theme now shows us voting is pointless, The scores are adjusted regardless of actual votes it seems.
Darn nice icons though .
I can confirm it does contain the “Minis” icon Optimus.
Are these the icons you drew by hand Optimus ?
If so then Good job on these they don’t look hand drawn.