Theme by Jaydee1003
South Park Dynamic theme is finally done! I have worked on this theme for 2 months and a half. I worked really hard. Most of the icons on this theme were completely created by me. I used my imagination for the creating process.
The theme Includes:
-(Dynamic Background)
“Animated snow” and also all characters (Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle) blink.
The Animations including the snowing effect and the characters blinking were all handmade.
I worked really hard on many icons to make them as best as I can. There are many icons that were created from multiple pictures to create the image I was looking for.
:: I am also currently working on a Family Guy Dynamic theme coming soon!
Please leave comments to let me know what you think and if there is anything you think you improve this theme. Enjoy!
The Best !!
just awesome !!
Impressive, excellent job, this should be on PSN store. Thank you. (love the sound settings icon btw) Cheers.
Wow, man, excellent job. So many of these themes just have boring icons, but not only were these unique, they were also well thought out. I especially liked Kenny on the drums for the music icon. I look forward to more great themes from you!!!
Dude, Keep up the the great work the images for the icons are sick great touch!!
hey! amazing! good work!!!!!!!
One word – AWESOME!
awesome theme very well done. love the icons.
@yannickvanloon & gordon R
wow brillant southpark theme better than official 1 cant belive theres negative nellys about this theme i cant find a thing wrong with it great job m8 best theme i have
No it doesnt come with music, No theme does.
Thanks! that means alot 2 me
hey um does this theme come with the music cuz i dont want it too
Outsanding theme great snow effects and perfect icon choices Thank you! Keep up the great work 12 dislikes? This theme trumps the dynamic one I paid for! Peace
@ed Thanks
.. idk if im going to be able to make that theme for you now .. im loaded with themes to finish that i didnt even start on yet :/ but i’ll see what i can do lol.
@lazzygamer lol thanks.
@adlm_02 Thank you!
your theme is fantastic at least, great great job there.
Thanks for sharing =)
i wanted the theme to play when i turn the ps3 on, that would be epic. great theme dude keep up the good work.
awesome theme could u do a dynamic kenny dies theme that would be great
thx every1 for the support!
… and whoever disliked it can you at least comment so i can improve whatever it is in the future??
Mint, this has to be one of the best looking dynamic themes i’ve seen, very professional. You could put a price tag on this and sell it on PSN it’s so good. Thumbs way up, keep it up man, and thank you so much for sharing.
Gave you a like. Nice job!
wow what jack@$$ give this a ‘dislike’? somebody got hate in the blood.
i love this theme
wow.. thanks for taking your time to comment. It really means alot to me when people appreciate my work especially when i work hard on it lol.. Thanks again!
lol Thanks man!
I worked hard on this one.
Can’t wait to finally get that SSX theme !! looking forward to it.
Oh and I hope you get better soon man!
@JAYDEE1003: Oh my God… they killed kenny!
Veeery nice theme, mate! I really think you did an awesome job… You just got a big “Like Point” from me!
(Uh! By the way… I finally managed to upload all 3 versions of the SSX theme: stay tuned!)
I never leave comments, but have downloaded from here for years. This is a great theme. Looking forward to the Family Guy one. Remember, just because you don’t see comments, there are a lot of people out there who really appreciate the hard work many people on this site create.
@ultrama6net1c and Faxtron
Thanks guys! Really appreciate it
Good job my friend
Gave you a like.
Awesome job on this theme. The icons came out great. It shows that you took your time with this. Gave you a like.