Star Wars The Force Awakens (Multi Switch)

Theme by Faxtron

A theme that “switch” from animated to slideshow zoom.

Enjoy !
Download Here


23 thoughts on “Star Wars The Force Awakens (Multi Switch)

  1. ok, hamilton, the theme that you requested..
    realise i said “GIFT”

    because after you insulted the respect of faxtron,

    you got a better chance of getting the gift you requested from f***in santa claus now.

    good job, lol.

  2. Thank You Doom


    people dont understand that yet, they think your going to do another ‘HE MAN’ crafted theme that took a crazy amount of time and concentration, what they also dont understand is that they are lucky you guys are still around to even ‘share’
    the single fact that they are uploading personal material to share is a ‘GIFT’ literally.
    they stuck around for US,
    there really isn’t any criticism necessary anymore based on my personal opinion,
    if you didn’t like it, ask for small tweeks.
    just dont try to sound like a corporate deutsche in the process.

  3. a what ?


    people dont understand that yet, they think your going to do another ‘HE MAN’ crafted theme that took a crazy amount of time and concentration, what they also dont understand is that they are lucky you guys are still around to even ‘share’
    the single fact that they are uploading personal material to share is a ‘GIFT’ literally.
    they stuck around for US,
    there really isn’t any criticism necessary anymore based on my personal opinion,
    if you didn’t like it, ask for small tweeks.
    just dont try to sound like a corporate deutsche in the process.

  4. dont get worked up faxtron, do you believe that the situation calls for you to stop?
    we’d miss ya if you left, and miss your art if ya stop.

  5. people dont understand that yet, they think your going to do another ‘HE MAN’ crafted theme that took a crazy amount of time and concentration, what they also dont understand is that they are lucky you guys are still around to even ‘share’

    the single fact that they are uploading personal material to share is a ‘GIFT’ literally.

    they stuck around for US,

    there really isn’t any criticism necessary anymore based on my personal opinion,

    if you didn’t like it, ask for small tweeks.

    just dont try to sound like a corporate deutsche in the process.

  6. Thank You Ultra for clarifying for what i already know about criticism, good or bad. it’s still criticism but i just wanna state my opinion because i got the right too lol but i understand completely, load of crap sounds there u go again Ultra. I Love You too muawh muawh muawh lol



    Now i am glad u made this theme but i hope next time it has the millienium falcon flying over the tie fighters & the new kids on here from trailer 1. Plus the sounds & 3 more sounds , Chewbecca doing his growl, Darth Vader breathing heavily from his mask, & Yoda saying May The Force Be With You. All in All Thank You Fax for your great effort in making this awesome theme

    That sounds like a crap load of sounds you want in just one theme. There’s no reason for me to assume you want those sounds in different themes. Can you see in your quote where I may have gotten confused? This isn’t the first time you’ve asked for a theme with a sh*t ton of sounds in it either. I singled you out for that quote above.
    (for everyone’s consumption)
    There’s nothing wrong with having an opposing opinion, but when people ask for a lot and never give back, their criticisms may frustrate some contributors. That’s nature of the net I suppose.

  7. Hamilton:

    Now i am glad u made this theme but i hope next time it has the millienium falcon flying over the tie fighters & the new kids on here from trailer 1. Plus the sounds & 3 more sounds , Chewbecca doing his growl, Darth Vader breathing heavily from his mask, & Yoda saying May The Force Be With You. All in All Thank You Fax for your great effort in making this awesome theme

    That sounds like a crap load of sounds you want in just one theme. There’s no reason for me to assume you want those sounds in different themes. Can you see in your quote where I may have gotten confused? This isn’t the first time you’ve asked for a theme with a sh*t ton of sounds in it either. I singled you out for that quote above.

    (for everyone’s consumption)
    There’s nothing wrong with having an opposing opinion, but when people ask for a lot and never give back, their criticisms may frustrate some contributors. That’s nature of the net I suppose.

  8. downloading themes for a long time lol Ultra wth does that have to do with all of this just saying ok

  9. uLtRaMa6nEt1c:

    @LuckyBall – Thank you
    @Faxtron – Don’t be discouraged by a couple of naysayers. We can please some people sometimes, but we can’t please everyone everytime. There are tons more people who appreciate what we do like LuckyBall below and most others. Unfortunately I’m probably the only one who has used most of your tutorials, so you can send those to me personally if you don’t put them here
    @Hamilton – You’ve been downloading themes for a long time. You have to know a theme only has 5 seconds of sound that can be split 5 ways.

  10. geez Fax & Ultra i was giving you a damn compliment for making this theme, i like that you did this. That’s more then i can say TK ok i am just really glad someone made & fyi Fax i nvr said u would be making nxt time. Damn Ultra why u gonna bunch me up with the nansayers that’s cold dude. lol & i can’t figure out all this stuff to make a damn theme. Probably my Autism, but anyway. i appreciate this effort you took into making this theme all right. & no Ultra idk that about the sound part. I nvr said it those sounds had to be on 1 entire theme, did you ever think of that. Anyway Thank You Fax for the theme & all ur hard work.

  11. @LuckyBall – Thank you 🙂
    @Faxtron – Don’t be discouraged by a couple of naysayers. We can please some people sometimes, but we can’t please everyone everytime. There are tons more people who appreciate what we do like LuckyBall below and most others. Unfortunately I’m probably the only one who has used most of your tutorials, so you can send those to me personally if you don’t put them here 😀
    @Hamilton – You’ve been downloading themes for a long time. You have to know a theme only has 5 seconds of sound that can be split 5 ways.

  12. Hamilton:

    i have to agree with ThugKnight but have half on this i was really excited to see this theme but when i looked it, it was great but real fast but that wasn’t the problem. it was no lightsaber sound or R2-D2 doing his cute beep beep sound he makes. Now i am glad u made this theme but i hope next time it has the millienium falcon flying over the tie fighters & the new kids on here from trailer 1. Plus the sounds & 3 more sounds , Chewbecca doing his growl, Darth Vader breathing heavily from his mask, & Yoda saying May The Force Be With You. All in All Thank You Fax for your great effort in making this awesome theme

    There will be no next time. I will not be doing that… If you want those things make it by your own hand for that reason in the forum we have tutorial to do it by own.

    I make this theme for me and I decided to leave it here like all my themes and all my works. If you have that idea go to the forum read the tutorials and put the knowledge in practice with that theme you want.

    @ThungKnight Thanks bro for your veredict. As you see it very difficult to create a theme for all people taste for the taste is made the colors someone likes whites and other likes blacks lol….

    Same thing the theme is created for me I like as it is if you don’t like it don’t use it simple as it.

    Simple next time I will not upload nothing. There are to many ungratefull users around here lately.
    That’s the reason I’m not doing and release more files jsx/XML and tutorials. No body are doing shit with that and went I release something came with an attitude like this.

    I release a few more last week but will be the last.

  13. Very cool theme +1. You sir and uLtRaMa6nEt1c are the best theme makers on this site. Thanks a lot for this is perfect.

  14. i have to agree with ThugKnight but have half on this i was really excited to see this theme but when i looked it, it was great but real fast but that wasn’t the problem. it was no lightsaber sound or R2-D2 doing his cute beep beep sound he makes. Now i am glad u made this theme but i hope next time it has the millienium falcon flying over the tie fighters & the new kids on here from trailer 1. Plus the sounds & 3 more sounds , Chewbecca doing his growl, Darth Vader breathing heavily from his mask, & Yoda saying May The Force Be With You. All in All Thank You Fax for your great effort in making this awesome theme

  15. Faxtron I did not like this theme homie the words Star Wars The Force Awakens shows up to many times when it switches if it was a just normal Dynamic theme then it would of been great you got a -1 from me.

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