Theme by uLtRaMa6nEt1c
Created with Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Flash.
Dynamic Elements:
*Iron Man’s lights glow
*Thor’s hammer lightning bursts
*Moving smoke, debris & embers
*Energy beam on Stark Tower
I tried to make the fire move, but it didn’t look natural
Dynamic Elements:
*Iron Man’s lights glow
*Thor’s hammer lightning bursts
*Moving smoke, debris & embers
*Energy beam on Stark Tower
I tried to make the fire move, but it didn’t look natural
Custom semi-clear icons (I didn’t want them to clutter the scene)
For ‘Just Scan’ and 16:9 aspect ratios.
Download Here
professionally done. congrats
Love the theme. I can’t wait to get this movie on Blu-Ray disc very soon. Thank you.
can someone make a dynamic superman theme please.
one word description EPIC!!!
NICE!! Can you make a avengers theme with the spinning shot from the movie?
Wow nice theme! tnx man!
Thanks for the feedback everyone.
@fran, I was looking into doing a Lollipop Chainsaw, but I couldn’t find good quality pics to use. Bayonetta is an idea i like also. I gotta play Catherine.
u gotta make more themes like this, can u please make a decent bayonetta , lollipop chainsaw and catherine dynamic themes? =0) no one has yet and it would b great to see what u could do wth those 3 ideas
ty so much
Good job man!
Disruptive Publishers jacks your stuff! Watch yourself!
Great theme!!
Wow! Looks great from the video! DOWNLOADING NOW