The Flash SlideShow v2

Theme by Faxtron

Well this is a version 2 of this theme. Originally the theme was a little different with other animation but I have a few problems with the final result that I have to fix first. Maybe I will be using this concept with other theme because I dont see that fit well in this theme. I dont know, anyway this is the video preview for the firts created :

Maybe I can use this animation on a theme for Games of Thrones I want to create.

Let me know what do you think 🙂
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17 thoughts on “The Flash SlideShow v2

  1. yes I like the way she looks, more realistic, and what you got against teens. Man everyone already treating young heroes like they can’t the job done but better then the adults could ever do if they chose too back when they had the chance to but didn’t for whatever reason lol You ever heard of The Amazing Spiderman, Static Shock, Robin, Beast Boy. Geez old fashion or no, just go with the new age because we ain’t going back, whew the 70’s thank god I wasn’t born then I don’t know I would live without Blu-ray or PS3 no offense, and I understood fully your meaning but hey i’m stating a opinion so on with the comments.

  2. You misinterpret my meaning. I’m speaking on the look of the actors, not the characters themselves.
    Flash can actually be credited with reviving the interest in comic books after it’s decliaft following WW2. Flash as a character is very important.
    That actor looks like a sucker and the costume is baggy. I like my heroes with muscle (most of the time), not these soft teenage looking dudes/girls. Like I said, I’m a 70s/80s baby. Did you see what they did to Spider Woman recently? 🙁

  3. ugh haters gonna hate when they got better repitore then some superheroes who kick ass more better then with weapons lol

  4. enough about the actors they are better now & i’m from the 90’s & the year when the original came out i looked it so no 80’s there Ultra . But anyway the show rocks the actors & actresses rock too, & nothing sucks on this great show so go watch Constantine if you don’t like Arrow, The Flash or Gotham. Ok read that

  5. i know i nvr said that lol i was only jk but ur right & the best is yet to come for these kind of characters who nvr had their moment to shine

  6. Hamilton:

    but every thing has to be re done over sooner or later for new generations.

    That’s true. It’s actually cool that the classic stuff gets updated and/or reintroduced to a new generation, but it hardly ever has the same impact. That just shows how cool our generation is 😀 I love the 80’s
    Our comments are in no way denouncing this theme or it’s quality.It’s just conversation.

  7. what does your childhood have to do with us liking the theme it don’t matter what you like it’s what we like now from what it was back then that’s why it’s called back then lol i’m just kidding but every thing has to be re done over sooner or later for new generations. Some things should stay traditional but not the good stuff. Anyway this is good stuff but I wished you added in the pictures I gave you Fax and the lighting effect too but anyway it’s great none the less



    In my opinion I think the one they aired on Fox years ago was better in my opinion they weren’t young like they are now.

    I say that about our childhood in general. I’m a 70s/80s baby. Our favorite children’s cartoon characters were mostly adults. Anything Marvel/DC, He-man and the MotU, Thundercats, G.I. Joe, Transformers, etc. Woman were woman and men were men. Now most cartoons are just kids. idk. I remember being 8 and thinking “Teela is hot”, “Cheetara is dope” lol

  8. ThugKnight:

    In my opinion I think the one they aired on Fox years ago was better in my opinion they weren’t young like they are now.

    I say that about our childhood in general. I’m a 70s/80s baby. Our favorite children’s cartoon characters were mostly adults. Anything Marvel/DC, He-man and the MotU, Thundercats, G.I. Joe, Transformers, etc. Woman were woman and men were men. Now most cartoons are just kids. idk. I remember being 8 and thinking “Teela is hot”, “Cheetara is dope” lol 😀

  9. In my opinion I think the one they aired on Fox years ago was better in my opinion they weren’t young like they are now.

  10. ThugKnight:

    Not a bad theme but the show sucks balls.

    This theme was created as a request for Hamilton but to create it I saw the show to have an idea for the theme. I saw all the 9 chapters he have and I think its not the best but is not soo bad. You know I have to admit that I like it now lol. The actors are not the best but the show is cool.

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