The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey

Theme by uLtRaMa6nEt1c

I found this long banner poster and combined it with another poster from this movie.

Icons made to resemble logo.

1 sound (optionmenu) – Opening creaking door.
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24 thoughts on “The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey

  1. Well I am a Fan of LOR and a Fan of uLtRaMa6nEt1c. He’s done a great job on this theme.

  2. doom:

    robert deniro was like, “this city is like a big toilet, i wish someone would just flush all the scum away”

    That’s what Fidel Castro did in the 1980. He took all of Cuba’s homeless, prisoners, mentally ill, and other undesirables and put them on boats and sent them to the U.S. He actually said “I have flushed the toilets of Cuba on the United States”

    @AUDIODEVIANT > I’ll take a look at it when I get home.

  3. i ride a buss to bridge and pratt, then the ell to 15’th street, free innerchange to the subway..
    ‘bridge and pratt’ is the weirdo capital of septa, your fare is your ticket to a freak show, bridge and pratt is like where the dopers, psychos, crackheads, homeless beggars, scitso’s, all get together to ride the ell back and forth, from there i get on the ell with them… lol. i was watching some sloth try to eat her own hair thismorning, on the way home from work some whore was on her cell phone talkin about copin perk 10.ns, before she got off the buss she ‘asked’ some dude, “can i get a hug before i get off the bus?” dude was pimpin her.. lol. i ride through garbage like this every day, the subway is where the homeless sleep on benches, pretty mutch the most healthy place besides a shelter for them i guess, its out of the weather n stuff, funny thing is you wont hardly see the sleeping homeless begging for change too mutch, any beggers are junkies pretending to be homeless to get money for the next fix. i understand that sertain drugs are like a illness but im not helping to buy the next hit pal. theres also scam artists that dress up like they are homeless and skeem money from people and rake in like $100 a day with acting like they have serious problems, but they get off the ell and jump into a car and drive home.. lol. some times i think about the movie taxi driver when robert deniro was like, “this city is like a big toilet, i wish someone would just flush all the scum away” or like the movie ‘falling down’. its wild.

  4. why can’t i request another PS3 theme does this mean while i was away we can’t request anymore 🙁

  5. @TheLoneWolf989 > I the Wraiths would have put a stop to that. I’m thinking of the right movie, right? =P

    @ThugKnight > Those movies do seem like they would fit together.

  6. Hey I was just wondering could they have put Willow in the Lord Of the Rings or that was just another story all together?

  7. Yo doom you crazy dude, LOL. I wonder if anyone here would get the bus driver reference. That trick deserved that sh*t, LOL 😀
    I watched the LotR trilogy. The 1st movie is the WORST. It’s soooo slow. The other 2 are dope though.

  8. by the way, drugs are bad, mmmkay.
    if anyone that reads the dumb crap i say and gets inspired to try the dumb crap i say for whatever reason i suggest that you DONT do the dumb things i say. but with that being said its probably a certain substance that spawned the idea for this story to begin with. hmmm.. lol.

  9. you dont hafto be an elvish fanatic to understand the story, you just need some good Lsd.
    one ring to rule dem all, jannonomean?
    shmeegle’s a bitch, i would have buss driver’d him into the pit of mount doom like N MK finnishing move. ps, gandolf was the shit in those movies.
    i actually liked the lord of the rings, i was j/k about the lsd thing, but to be honest i would probably want to smoke pot if i was about to enbark on a 9 hour movie adventure. i cant imagine going into a bad trip watching the lord of the rings. that would probably be a nightmare, lol.

  10. Thanks everyone 😀

    @ThugKnight & TheLoneWolf989 > I’m not a fan either. I really just made this to show what the SlideFlow was all about (and the poster was cool). Either way I wasn’t gonna half-ass it, yanomsayin’? 😀

  11. I’m not a fan of Lord of the Rings because of the ridiculous story line but I like this theme. +1

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