Tron Dynamic Theme

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 Dynamic Theme : “Tron Dynamic Theme” created using a tutorial mix the mini tutorial for a new method to create dynamic themes made by a100miles2go + Glowball slide show tutorial from PS3hax. Icons from different autors not made by me.

Enjoy !
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9 thoughts on “Tron Dynamic Theme

  1. lisa:

    @Faxtron oh ok,. then could you add tron sfx for the icons and when you exit out of a menu like the browser? also is that really Olivia Wilde in the middle or is that some other random girl? lol

    Sorry I don’t know if the girl in the middle its Olivia, this theme is created using a dreamscene movie clip.

  2. fran:

    PLZ MAKE A GOOD CATHERINE AND BAYONETTA DY THEME!!!!! we need those so badly ive been asking the good artists to do it but no one as came threw <3 it would b great for fans if u could try it <3 <3 ty

    Sorry I dont have time to take request now i’m workin in learning 3ds max, maya and PSJS to make a new themes from scratch. But i made a video tutorial how to doi it that you can see here : as you can see its not hard to do it so give it a try and you will see that in a few hours you can make your own.

  3. PLZ MAKE A GOOD CATHERINE AND BAYONETTA DY THEME!!!!! we need those so badly 🙁 ive been asking the good artists to do it but no one as came threw 🙁 <3 it would b great for fans if u could try it 🙁 <3 <3 ty 🙂

  4. @Faxtron oh ok,. then could you add tron sfx for the icons and when you exit out of a menu like the browser? also is that really Olivia Wilde in the middle or is that some other random girl? lol

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