2Pac by Tigg v2.0

Theme by speedy

2pac theme I made using an SD sized Wallpaper I found then expanding it for HD size and creating the icons. enjoy.
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7 thoughts on “2Pac by Tigg v2.0

  1. It was a drive by dumbass look it up yourself 4 the whole story tons of theories of what could have actually happened 2 him if your interested

  2. @Marcus
    2pac did not fake his death, the police had shot him…i suppose Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Bob Marley & Frank Sinatra faked their death aswell?
    2pac may have been shot dead but he lives on his music

  3. I dont Wanna get your hopes up people im sure you know but he supposedly faked his death alota stuff out there that proves it well not completely but you get the point

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