This is my Daft Punk Dynamic Theme. I hope you enjoy it. It has the same problem as my last theme where it takes a few seconds to start moving. I had GlowBall’s Dynamic Theme files but I cannot find them on my computer anymo
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hey awesome theme dude. ive been downloading themes from here for a while but this theme made me register just to comment.
muy buen tema
Yes my friend everything the same only changing the daft punk guys to the Dead Mou5 and if you can change the icons for the dead mou5 not for the daft punk. Man thanks a lot if you can make it. I like your themes have a 5 star quality and looks so profetional.
Do you want everything the same colours?
With a picture like this : in the right corner.
Sorry I don’t saw this theme until now is good and have an exelent quality. can you make one like this but with dead mouse dj.
Oh man, it’s so 80’s… and I really like it!
Nice theme, mate!
preview please?