Eminem MDT

Theme by charli_el_

My fourth theme.
This is a theme of Eminem with three dynamic backgrounds.
Background 1: http://i55.tinypic.com/2sbvgid.jpg
Background 2: http://i51.tinypic.com/aui5xt.jpg
Background 3: http://i54.tinypic.com/2vtbrme.jpg
Icons have been taken from InFamous Dynamic Theme (http://www.ps3-themes.com/gaming/infamous-theme-updated.html)
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6 thoughts on “Eminem MDT

  1. could you make the exact same theme with only the black and white picture up in the top left, but still dynamic with the smoke. would appreciate it so much if you could. thanks.

  2. very nice theme =)
    nice backgrounds and good chosen icons to go with the backgrounds.

  3. Nice theme, can you make a theme with just the picture of the Bad Meets Evil album, but kinda dark with smoke like this theme? id appreciate it, well done on this one

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