Here is my theme for His Infernal Majesty or HIM. It was a request from fran. I hope he/she enjoys it. The theme shows the lead singer Ville Valo with moving subwoofer speakers with his bands logo on the diaphragm of each woofer and crackling lightning coming from around the bands name. Icons made by yours truly. Sorry for the video quality of the “video” preview as usual it was taped in front of the TV screen. The theme is full 1080p.
Download Here
Download Here
oh ok ty tho u might try their site or google
it doesn’t have to b a perfect picture lol, just a clear one
keep it up tho ok? 
Sorry man I haven’t been able to find to many pictures to work with for your latest request. I will keep your request on the back burner for now.
theres one more request i have
do u know the bad ‘poets of the fall’? they rnt as popular as HIM , but ive been a great fan of them ever since their single ‘carnival of rust’, its sad they nvr came to the states yet but it would be nice to make a theme for them
wth their lolly icon and moth icon
u don’t have to but just to put it out there
ty so much for the HIM theme
im very appreciative for ur attention to us downloaders
keep it up 
ty for MAKING IT *tears up* and my bday is on the 10th