Linkin Park Animated Theme 2

Theme by charli_el_

After a few months of inactivity, I return with which I think is one of the best themes I’ve created. This is a animated theme of Linkin Park.
The theme is based on his latest album, Living Things, both the static background as animated window.

The background used is this: but with some tweaks:
While the animated window is taken from the video of the song Lies Greed Misery:

Thanks Glowball for his tutorial to make animated themes 😉
Download Here


2 thoughts on “Linkin Park Animated Theme 2

  1. @Mike Many people have told me several times I heard that group, but I always forgot to listen.
    It’s awesome! I think it will be one of my favorite bands alongside LP, BFMV and ADTR
    Try to make the theme, but I see it difficult: (

  2. do you think you could make a breaking benjamin dynamic theme their my favourite band and it would mean so much to me

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