Theme by Emp/whyehate
Mac Miller a hip hop artist theme.
using neon icons from
Neon Theme v1.0 (Made by Street_Magic)
Download Here
#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by Emp/whyehate
using neon icons from
Neon Theme v1.0 (Made by Street_Magic)
Download Here
man ive been searching for a mac miller theme for a year in a half now thanks man keep makin these
actually im sick of the limited things you can do all together with the dynamic stuff,, im more into the custom icons, and not to criticise,, but the smoke thing…. soooooooo dead, dead as disco, dead as a doornail, dead as the dickens, stifft, brown bread, after life, worm food, bought the farm.. a dead issue that needs no recesatation… just dont even say anything after reading this… lol
@ TheNextProdigy
Here is the link to my tutorial on how to edit the script
See what you make of it and if you need help just let me know
I agree the smoke thing has been done to death. It seems every kid just puts moving smoke on some random wallpaper & calls it “dynamic”. Hense why someone like OPTIMUS has called them “pseudo-dynamic”.
Glowball- You know what you are talking about & you know what you are doing, keep it up.
Learn to take criticism guys, it’ll help you in theme making & in life.
I Forgot Pass So Gotta Comment Like This………… GlowBall, Let Em’ Be, They Are Obviously Noob And Speak With Their Mouths Not With Their Minds, They Felt Attacked By You’re Very True Comment And Attacked, You Are Amazing At Dynamic Themes, You Don’t Have To Waste Your Time On Petty Things Like This. Btw, You Gotta Teach Me That Scripting Stuff, Seems Legit. And As For The Two Who Defended This Theme, Its Hard Work Yea, But The Same And Eventually, People Get Tired Of The Same, And As For Dynamic Themes With Just Smoke? We’d Probably Kill Ourselves Than See Another
make a Lil B BASEDGOD one!!
@ huh & BAckspace
I am shocked at you guys! you are both so narrow minded to the point that you haven’t even search my name in the search bar on this site. When it comes to dynamic themes I know quite a bit. As for changing the positions etc it is very much possible as there is a script file in the Prince of Persia theme which you can edit. So I know I am right in saying the moving smoke on top of a background is a cheap effect (anyone can do it). You may have been bored reading so just check this out users!
@GlowBall Smoke a cheap effect? Really? you do know how the theme creator works right? you only get to replace files…most files if you replace them it comes out really screwed up. i would love to see your ground breaking dynamic themes Glowball?
what are you talking about? have you even MADE a dynamic theme? if you did you know that you cant move the smoke to where you want it. all you do is use a theme already created and replace parts of it. so before running your mouth and trying to talk down this person for the work they do you should make sure you know what your talking about. the smokeis the only thin gin the dynamic themes creator that you can change or work with and it WORKS RIGHT. if you can think up “none cheap” effects then you download the creator and do something instead of running your mouth. i hate when people wanna run there mouth on others hard work.
Dude this is probably your first dynamic theme. But the moving smoke is now becoming a joke. I just wish people would have moving smoke or something like that in the title so your not ripped off downloading a cheap effect.