Metal Artists Theme

Theme by Demir Osmanovic
4445-metalartiststheme.jpgContains 13 different for HD resolution only. Different backgrounds from many heavy metal artists. (Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne, Disturbed ect.) I give credit to RIDER121 for the icons that i’m using in this theme.
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11 thoughts on “Metal Artists Theme

  1. I share the same opinion in 1 thing with Frosthawk1, their first album was pretty good but later when they made Asylum… Jesus, I fell in love with that!

  2. Disturbed had a decent first album. then they got big and became slaves to the media, and all other albums have sucked and all sound the same. If you think Disturbed is metal, you must know close to nothing about the genre.

  3. Disturbed is absolutely positively NOT progressive metal! You must be new to metal if that is what you think. Give me a break. Disturbed is a group of less than talented musicians who make radio friendly songs that pollute the airwaves with “nu metal.” Give me a break.

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