Theme by Faxtron
PS3 Tool Animated with custom icons and original sounds. I love tool and for this reason, I have the duty to do it, an honorable theme for this band
This theme have 3 different backgrownds of the same picture : two animated and one static. For the best experience possible use on this theme the backgrounds brightness -1 or -2. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — “-1 or -2”. Like always for free
I recomend to play with the brighness because some themes looks better with different brightness settings.
Download Here
very hypnotic ,love all types of metal music . can’t wait to see more .
i have n important request, might seem a little trendy but.. im on a mw3 clan and i was curious if you would do a dynamic mw3 clan theme for me faxtron.. when you have time ovcourse.. and please anything but a generic mw3 background if possible, i kinda want it to be unique.. we are ‘the gods of judgement’ we dont have tryouts.. no leader.. just good fun.. you dont hafto be elite premium.. you dont hafto have a crazy kdr.. you dont hafto play every clan op, come n go as you please. just no arguments among team mates is the only rule.. INLIST TODAY!! lol
i would also like to get in contact with sony about my own avatar..
@optimus, yeah im always thinking about creating stuff, i would love ti know how circuitry works, i would invent some pretty nasty things, i would love to invent a usb plug n play system converter.. like to plug systems from the past into the ps3 with a usb cord.. “psn user is playing unknown software” lol.
just like to say great work on this and thank you to all that put there time into doing this far would love to see dynamic nightmare before christmas if any 1 gets the time keep it up guys cant wait to see whats next
@ULTRAMA6NET1C: Thanks, bro, I really appreciate!
Well… even without me, you guys wouldn’t have any problem to go on: for all the time I’ve been here, I had the chance to see all of you grow up, and I can safely say that everyone of you has developed very good skills and has become a great theme maker.
The only thing you need, guys, is to keep up with the good work you already make, without forgetting there’s always something to learn and there’s always room for improvement…
@ROBEAST: Sure, mate: I will!
@DOOM: You know, knowledge is pretty relative: it can be easily acquired experimenting everything, like you already do. Great ideas always start from nothing…
i also thought about the third eye, then i thought, ‘if he could have, he would have .. also those faces.. if the eyes looked around once n a while, almost like a creepy kind of once in a while. but im not too sure about how many animations you can run like this at the same time. so i just didnt say anything.. lol. so with that said, can you make other things move? just outta curiosity.. honestly i think its great the way it is.. but im just curious.
Realy cool always love your themes but it would look realy crazy if the freaky eye moved to im not criticising just a thought because im a big fan of your work
ive been listening to tool all day, lol, faxtron.. make more tool themes when you have time to.. lol.
Fax, this is real good work! The animation is top notch! I can tell you put a lot of work into this one. +1 on the like side for you.
Opt, hang in there brother!
my idea behind this is, what if you could take the ps3’s capabilitys past its limits, what if you could get into a ps3 chat and take the chatroom its self for a walk around the neighborhood, that would be pretty cool..
i wonder if i could bridge the signal with a laptop somehow, i dont think a ps3’s operating system could be compatible with a laptop.. but what if someone could make it work?
lol, yeah. i was kinda worried about the battery exploding after a full charge.. since i didnt conceal it and its exposed.. i was thinking about getting into circuitry, id like to have the knowledge it takes to build awsome gadgets.. i would love to hook a ps3 eyetoy up to a wifi card somehow with N antenna that has really good range.. mostly ideas like this make me want to learn how..
@OPTIMUS Hope you get better soon and thanks for giving us some great themes.
@DOOM: Looool!!! You’re crazy, my friend!

It almost seems you’re going to build a nuclear power plant… just try not to cause a new disaster like the Fukushima one!
Thanks a lot, guys!

Even if I’m an “old generation transformer”, I’m still tough enough to go on despite my conditions…
So, I’ll try to stay here as long as I can
nice too see yous back faxtron and your good thames but what is this thame lol idi dont
@OPTIMUS Ohh man now I’m very worried about your health condition. Hope you get better soon and you can do all that you like to do… Like create PS3 themes. Thanks for your support and appreciation to my themes like always.
@Optimus Damn man… Hope you get better soon.
hey remember that time i told you i was gonna hook up the intec battery charger and fit it with a bigger battery? i did it! my daughter drooled into my left analog and fryed my duel shock so i chopped it for parts!! turns out the battery inside my duel shock was 50% bigger than the original battery inside the intec.. the red and black wires wher identical size, a little splicing and a bit of electric tape N rubber bands & it was complete!!!! my sixaxis controller with the modded intec now retains power for 2 days or more!! when i got it to work i couldn’t wait to tell you but you werent around for a while…
hey optimus, are you ok man?
opti!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god im sorry to hear that. if i would have known that happened i would of sent flowers or something…………..i decided that the ssx theme is dedicated to opti fast recovery. get well soon my friend. this is why you need a ps3 to stay in contact with us. i had more ideas for the ssx theme to build upon it. i saw these back grounds from the official theme and they look good so i just wanted to see if we can take those and use it on our own. but that can wait i just want you to get better Ricardo.
Yo faxtron can u make a dynamic guitarist one? If not I will make one but if you can please thanks
@FAXTRON, LISA, JAYDEE1003 & everyone else:
Hello everyone! I’m still here!
While I was at work, my brain had another blackout, and this time it has been very big: I started bleeding profusely from the nose, then I fainted and the last thing I remember is the ceiling of the hospital room where I was admitted and the doctor’s face over me.
The right side of my body is now paralyzed, but doctors say it’s a temporary state due to the fact that this time my brain has shut down almost completely.
That means I cannot work on themes like before for now, and even write is rather difficult for me (but I’ll try to do my best, in order to release the SSX theme versions, at least)…
Anyway, looks like the main motor functions are gradually restoring, and they should get back to normal quite soon.
Stay tuned, guys!
So… how are things going?
[Holy shit! You did an outstanding job, my friend! I just gave you a big “Like point” :D]
I saw them at 2 different Lollapaloozas: 1993 second stage during Undertow, and 1997 during Aenima. Whoever “Thumbs Down”‘d this FAILS AT LIFE.
@doom Thanks ! Nice to know that you like the band and this theme. You know ive listened to tool since 90s too. I never seen them live and I kill for saw that show and hear this band live for real is one of my favorite bands. The only set live that I saw and heard from this band is in youtube videos lol… Yeahh I saw all the music videos from this band and I liked a lot. all are like this theme crazy and very cool.
@Jaydee1003 and lisa The theme is in OPTIMUS hands and will be releasing the theme soon. As I know is working on the static part of the theme
OPTIMUS where are you ?
@lisa I’m actually looking forward to that theme i saw the video it looks good. u dont have to be selfish u kno LOL
Sick animation! great job
amazing, i love the hands, i think tool is a really good band. ive listened to tool since 1997 and seen them live once. when i saw them it was the best concert ive been to in my life. the stage show was incredible. if you have seen some of tools videos ‘even if you have seen only one’ video from tool. you would see how mutch creativity they put into what they do as artists, audible and visual alike.. i dont think the is a single band on earth more deserving of a dynamic theme. great fuckin call faxtron.. and A hell of a great theme.. thank you.
@fax any news on opti? btw when is the ssx going to be released or at least to me lol.
Welcome Back.
Thanks all for all your comments
@Vitalogy Let see what I can do.
@Jesse King Ohh thanks mate that words mean a lot to me, but for me the real “Dynamic Theme GOD” is Glowball because thanks to them I can do this. He is the master sensei that reveal to us how to do this and with that knowledge that he provide to us is that all my themes ideas have been converted into a true reality.
Also without the static theme leaving only the dynamic ones?
pweeeaaaaaaase :p
TOOL for the win \m/ and the animation is crazy indeed only thing I don’t like is the rectangle for the date/time, can you make one without it please?
Trippy theme lol.
Yes! Well done. I will download and use often! Thanks!
Tool is 1 of my favs also. theme looks great Fax, yet another from the “Dynamic Theme GOD” a.k.a Faxtron. off the subject but has anyone checked out Maynards Wine that he’s making? it great a must try. also theres a documentary on his wine venture its on netflix if u want the name of it, when u post here just ask me to post it.
The animation is crazy on this theme. Real dope. Nice job again Fax. Gave you a like.
Thanx for the idea about my Skullgirls theme too.