Rise Against! v1.00

Theme by Nuka-Cola Napalm

Theme #2. Rise Against, the punk rock band from Chicago!
3 HD & SD Wallpapers
Main XMB icons taken from Dark_Universe by Luke_Ler92, thanks for those!
Secondary Icons I left standard, I felt they fit, though I may change it in future versions!
Any feedback is welcome!
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7 thoughts on “Rise Against! v1.00

  1. i have been waiting so long for a Rise Against theme thank you so much for making this. it’s great to see some one who hasn’t been caught up in this generations norm of musical influence

  2. Yeah, the colours are a bit of a problem, but as i said, Brightness -2 works wonders 🙂

    I think I should change the secondary icons to more solidly coloured ones, the stock standard ones are a little too grey for the white of most of the backgrounds, and possibly a text bar for better readabilty.

    Any other suggestions? xP

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