Slayer – Hell Awaits – Dynamic

Theme by Patrick S

A dynamic Slayer theme.
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sick slayer rocks !!!

mrj QQQ

mr white:

think i found a theme to replace catalina otalvaro. been a fan of this band for the past 20 years, wore out their Reign in Blood cd, wanted to watch them live, never got the chance, and i never will now, not without jeff, they’ll never truly be slayer again, it’s like trynna make another pantera album without dimebag. and mrjQQQ, using drums and guitars for icons is just stupid, except maybe their album covers.

OOOOOOOOOO there’s an original thought album covers , square boxes for icons, yeah much better thought ………get your head fixed rubberneck

mr white

hey patric s, could you make another theme of them? except use photos of them from their shows, a slideshow. if your able to find any in HD

mr white

think i found a theme to replace catalina otalvaro. been a fan of this band for the past 20 years, wore out their Reign in Blood cd, wanted to watch them live, never got the chance, and i never will now, not without jeff, they’ll never truly be slayer again, it’s like trynna make another pantera album without dimebag. and mrjQQQ, using drums and guitars for icons is just stupid, except maybe their album covers.

mrj QQQ

Obviously ya didn’t look at QQQAC/DC cause the isn’t anything “Confusing,” there


R.I.P Jeff. Cool theme

mrj QQQ

so be it then

Patrick S

Yes, exactly. Making icons that have nothing to do with what the icons is for is something i don´t understand at all, and worst of all, it just makes things confusing for the user. I have done some work as a graphic designer, and the one thing you absolutely can not do as a designer is to make designs that will confuse the users. If an icon is for “network”, for example, then the icon must be easily recognizable as a “network” icon. uLtRaMa6nEt1c: @mrj QQQ – Maybe Patrick S is like myself, I prefer my icons to retain the… Read more »


@mrj QQQ – Maybe Patrick S is like myself, I prefer my icons to retain the original look/shape in some way (most of the time).

mrj QQQ

What I was getting at is that you could have used icons like guitars, drums, and members of the band. Have a look at QQQAC/DC

Patrick S

My icons aren´t the greatest in the world, i know that. The problem is that i´m not very good at painting or drawing, so creating vector graphics from scratch really isn´t my thing. I have made a few logos and things like that but they take forever to make for me, and the result is ok, i guess, but not spectacular. So instead of spending hours and hours on something that most likely will look like crap i rather make something simpler that i know will look ok. mrj QQQ: great band, but not a fan of the repetitive icon… Read more »

mrj QQQ

great band, but not a fan of the repetitive icon work. No vote , band saved ya.


I like it +1


Nice one!