Babes #2

Theme by Jason2590

8 HD backgrounds all created by me.
Icons are created by OPTIMUS from his great theme ‘Bizarre Reflective Metal’ used with his permission
Download Here

21 thoughts on “Babes #2

  1. Hehehe… Transformers, more than meets the eye! 😀
    Hey, welcome back, bro! Where have you been all this time? You went for a ride on Cybertron…? 😛

  2. added you, who doesnt like transformers the films are mint, hes probly an decepticon

  3. Also if you have PS3 then add me Jason. Baked_Beanz2! Message me if i have max friends. Need to talk to you!

  4. These babes are super hot! Especially Kaylee Hagel. Thank you Jason! Add me on msn if you have it. Damonkey_Chan@msn. COM

  5. awesome, great job OPTIMUS 😀 , maybe that guy gave 2 stars because he doesnt like transformers 🙁

  6. OPTIMUS can u help, i need a set of the standard icons for the ps3, you know where i can get them from?

  7. ^^what does that mean? u dont like optimus, or you dont like the fact i used his icons?

  8. I would have given it 5 stars, but since optimus had a part in this theme, im giving it 2 stars

  9. Don’t mention it!

    If this can help you, I use RealWorld Paint.COM to make my icons and many other things: it’s a very easy to use and versatile program, with lots of professional features like transparencies, lighting effect, perspective transformations and so on, but… IT’S FREE! 😀

  10. thanks guys, OPTIMUS, im gonna try make my own icons soon, but as you know it takes very long. thanks again

  11. Hi there!
    Well, it’s a little bit strange to see my icons on “babes backgrounds” but… GOOD WORK! 5 stars! 😀
    And thanks for the credits!

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