Theme by Jason2590
8 HD backgrounds all created by me.
Icons are created by OPTIMUS from his great theme ‘Bizarre Reflective Metal’ used with his permission
Download Here
Icons are created by OPTIMUS from his great theme ‘Bizarre Reflective Metal’ used with his permission
Download Here
just adding my finishing touches to my new theme so look out for it.
Hehehe… Transformers, more than meets the eye!

Hey, welcome back, bro! Where have you been all this time? You went for a ride on Cybertron…?
added you, who doesnt like transformers the films are mint, hes probly an decepticon
@Afterburner9901-Yeah, it could be…
Also if you have PS3 then add me Jason. Baked_Beanz2! Message me if i have max friends. Need to talk to you!
These babes are super hot! Especially Kaylee Hagel. Thank you Jason! Add me on msn if you have it. Damonkey_Chan@msn. COM
awesome, great job OPTIMUS
, maybe that guy gave 2 stars because he doesnt like transformers 
Glad to be useful!
thanks just what i needed.
Here I am, bro! Sorry if I’m late, but I had to put them all together…
but with a little patience… 
I linked an image with all the standard icons: unfortunately lack the latest ones as MINIS, TROPHY, etc that came with firmware 3.15
I made the image in png format, so you can use the icons without problems!
OPTIMUS can u help, i need a set of the standard icons for the ps3, you know where i can get them from?
hey OPTIMUS im still here mate,@yogosan lol.
it means he doesn’t leave his bedroom
Hey Jason! Are you still with us???
I don’t know who the hell he is, but he likes to insult and bother me…
^^what does that mean? u dont like optimus, or you dont like the fact i used his icons?
I would have given it 5 stars, but since optimus had a part in this theme, im giving it 2 stars
Don’t mention it!
If this can help you, I use RealWorld Paint.COM to make my icons and many other things: it’s a very easy to use and versatile program, with lots of professional features like transparencies, lighting effect, perspective transformations and so on, but… IT’S FREE!
thanks guys, OPTIMUS, im gonna try make my own icons soon, but as you know it takes very long. thanks again
Hi there!
Well, it’s a little bit strange to see my icons on “babes backgrounds” but… GOOD WORK! 5 stars!
And thanks for the credits!
great theme bro, that xmb shade was used very well