Daniela Katzenberger

Theme by PS3Worldz

This is a theme about “Daniela Katzenberger”. She´s a “VIP” in Germany 😀
The theme contains 1 HD and SD background, standard icons and standard sounds.
Download Here


21 thoughts on “Daniela Katzenberger

  1. PS3Worldz:

    my father is older than you and he also plays videogames
    BTW: I have made 3 new themes… but have not uploaded them yet… one of them is about Minecraft

    Oh man… you’re very lucky, my friend!
    I lived and gone through all the consoles generations from the 70’s until today, but my father always hated videogames… 🙁

    Hey, you said you’ve not uploaded themes yet, but… some of them are here! O_O

  2. any 1 make new ps3themes im bored and till playstation store comes back so every1 relaxes on themes be little get stressed because is boring ty please make new ps3themes im bored ty

  3. my father is older than you and he also plays videogames 🙂

    BTW: I have made 3 new themes… but have not uploaded them yet… one of them is about Minecraft

  4. Yep, indeed! And if it was in the videogames section, it would be really awesome! XD

    Oh yeah: I’m a veeeery oooold player… 😛

  5. Yeah, especially here in Italy (not to mention the fact I’m almost 40 years old)… 🙁

    Lol! Oh no! Noooo, no, no, no… I don’t wanna have nothing to do with politics, also considering all the mess that is happening to Berlusconi: first there was the “bunga bunga” matter, and now the corruption trial… better dead! 😛

    Anyway, maybe there’s a chance to go work in a new MediaWorld store that is opening in my town…

  6. It´s pretty hard to find a job today…
    but have you ever thought about becoming the bodyguard of Silvio Berlusconi? 😀

    Ok, that joke was bad… but I guess you will find a new job 🙂

  7. Lol! Yeah, and my uncle was even Eddie Guerrero… XD

    Well, it’s been many years ago… then the base was closed and I was forced to find another job. So, I went to Milan to work as bodyguard for the fashion designer Gianfranco Ferré, but when he died I had to get back to my town where I found a new job in the security service for a megastore.
    But at the end of last year I was fired due to economic crisis and I even had the eviction, so… I don’t know if you remember, but I had to quit this site in November (and I’m back in February) to find a new home and a new job: well, I found a place to stay, but I’m still searching for a new job at the moment… 🙁

  8. Lol! Thanks, mate! 😀

    Well… actually I worked with Americans for some years in a NATO base near my town: I already knew English well enough, but that experience allowed me to improve and better understand also a bit of slang.
    Anyway, despite this, there are lots of things and some turn of phrase that I still find hard to understand…

  9. PS3Worldz:

    lol, I allways thought you are an American

    Lol! Well, I don’t know why, but several people thought the same thing…
    Instead, looks like I’m the only Italian here 😛

  10. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo we r back baaaaaaaaaaaaabyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    we r back
    psn is back yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  11. Yeah, my relatives are german (Heidelberg), but I’m not in the US: I’m much closer than you think… 😉
    I live in Italy, thus I’m very close to them and… to you! 😀

    Well, time ago, on my local radio they aired that song, but when I heard it I realized that wasn’t the original version performed by Samantha Fox in 1987…
    Some time after, Samantha Fox was hosted in an italian TV show named “Best Years”, and they spoke about a german girl called Daniela Katzenberger who sang “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Now” in 2010…
    That’s why I know her! 😀

  12. Hey, I seem to know this girl…
    Isn’t she the one who sang a personal version of “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Now”, by chance?

    Yummy… 😀

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