Celebrities/People Nicki Minaj (Pink) August 10, 2010 Theme by JimmWest 2 HD/SD Wallpapers MADE BY ME of Nikki Minaj in a pink outfit. with Pink icons, icons made by: ShadowSkilz Download Here
do you mind getting more nicki minaj themes? yu have the best themes hands down. also can you make an Ash Crimson (KOF) theme
you need more nicki manaj pictures
do you mind getting more nicki minaj themes? yu have the best themes hands down. also can you make an Ash Crimson (KOF) theme
Nice to see her 18+
I love her. Thxs for the theme.
Nicki is the bestest!
Thanks for mention my name I appreciate
What a babe. Indigo Vanity is hotter IMO though! haha 4/5, icons go:)