Callie Cosplay (Marvel/DC) Ultra Slideshow

Theme by uLtRaMa6nEt1c

15 backgrounds featuring Callie Cosplay as Marvel and DC characters.

Made with the new Ultra Slideshow Lite.

I put this script together to make the process easier for newcomers and veterans alike. Check out the tutorial and give it a try πŸ˜€


Icons created by Tech Ninja. 8 of them were remade by me.

Thanks to mr_foxx for the preview video
Download Here


41 thoughts on “Callie Cosplay (Marvel/DC) Ultra Slideshow

  1. Really nice wallpapers, She’s hot & shows dedication in her makeup & costumes. Well done.

  2. @DOOM – You know, my friend, I always say:

    We are the sum of all we do in our lifetime: the result of this sum may be right or wrong and keeps changing over time, making us almost unable to know what it will actually be. BUT at the very moment in which we’re able to see at least a small part of this huge and continuous calculation, well, that’s also the time when we’ll be able to clearly see the path we are on…

    Again, full respect, my friend! πŸ˜€

  3. thank you man, it was a long road, way longer than described. in life sometimes you gotta look in the mirror and look into your own eyes and ask yourself if you like what you see, i took enuff drugs to kill hunter thompson, drank enuff booze, shit i drank 50 cans one night, and my average alcohol consumtion was 6 40oz per day, weather or not i was chillin in bridesburg then jack was involved.
    never messed with dope or crack, but a TON of everything else.. had enuff sense to watch friends fall off on the hard and NOT do it, watched my boy sell his *furniture* i was like NAAHH not for me!! lol. in essence ALL drugs are bad, i wouldn’t recommend drugs to anyone, i saw some sad situations.. even weed is bad in a sense because theres always n undercover somewhere. even if you think its your friend. undercovers are slick.. its like playing a game of high risk freeze tag, lol.

    i went down a bad road when i was a kid,
    now i have a daughter and i reflect on all my stupid decisions,

  4. Doom u are a great story teller and I know if you ever wrote an autobiography that would sell. You can really create a scene with your words and play it step by step and at the end I’m happy you found true love after everything you been through.

  5. nahh. i know my girl would think less of me,
    i usedto be a monster with girls, i banged so many. broke so many hearts i had girls coming out of the woodwork trying to warn her about me, i was n evil dude, i was banging my main girl that took me out of the country every year for free, another one was a bartender, i would get drunk at tthe bar for free and climb through my friends sister n laws window and hit, the chick at the bar was his girl, then there was my good friend ***** that macked doesens a month, like baseball cards this kid collected’ them, we banged them together. dynomite girls, we wer hitting girls from jersey and philadelphia that wher smokin hot,

    now i was drinking hard after my bestfriend died
    Jack Daniels on the beaches of mexico, to portico, st thomas & st martin, jamaca, all that. i was feeling something my cold dead heart hadn’t felt in a long time, this warmth inside, like a candle in my chest….. for ten years i was a maniac because my best friend died, i felt nothing, cared about no ones feelings, i treated ”” like shit for a long time.
    in the end i was in love with her. my glass was so empty and it was full again out of nowhere.
    and then she was coming to my house late and leaving early, she was cheating and it killed me, found a digital cam in her purse while she was sleeping, and there it was, a picture of two dudes in there boxers in a hotel room, i was crushed but i deserved every bit of the pain, i just started to love again and my heart was ripped out of my spine. this was what i deserved after 7 years of being a cheating drunk.. i walked across rosevelt bulivard looking at the sky with her screaming on the phone, dancing with death, i realised most of my friends wher hooked on something, in jail, dead. or on there way.. i didnt die, i have a chance to be a better person, if i become a better person nobody can hurt me.. i will become faithful, loyal, with a full heart. πŸ™‚

    then i met ”’ on the ps3 and eventually flew out to her house in NC a faithful man, loyal,
    a happy idiot, taking care of her kids, enjoying my new life as a good man, fair and loving.
    but she was a ‘nympho maniac’ very fun at first glance, full body’d blond in a fishnet bodysuit with pigtails and a bong in one hand and a ps3 controller in the other, but after a while i realised she was awful.. cheating on me left and right.. i left. she was just like the old me, sleeping around to get whatever she wanted, weed, money, stuff. whatever.

    i left and came home, usedto be friends wife came to my house on newyears eve, she said ‘your getting out of this house’ your coming with me…. i followed.. all of my friends wher waiting for me as we stopped at the pretzel factory ””s wife said ‘you know my sister is going to be at the house’ you might like her..
    whatever ””. just saying.. we parked the car and walked down the sidewalk for 20 seconds,
    i looked up at the porch and there she was looking down at me, we locked eyes for what seemed like 30 minutes but it was 2 seconds,
    i couldn’t stop looking at her in the house,
    every time i saw her slightly turn her head i looked the other way hoping that she didnt see me starting, she walked over to me and put this WWll helmet on my head and said, you cant take this off.. here have some Jack daniels with me, she cept feeding me and feeding me, take a shot NO dont be a p****
    ok. after about a gallon and a half of a fifth between me her and the previous guitarist from punishment. i stumbled into the kitchen, she practically tackled me in the kitchen, damn near busted my lip kissing her, later we found out that we have crossed paths many times and that our families hung out with eachother when they wher our age. it is hard to discribe but it was like there was this force pulling us together.. and how we met was like a story for the grandkids type deal. she is and always will be my one and only, nothing in this world can take me from her, there are no other wemen,
    she is the other half of my existence. the fire in my heart. i can never lose her to a jessica alba, it wouldn’t be worth it to me. i found her, my one, my only, my everything…

    nope, i wouldn’t thug. force push like a f****N jedi….

  6. @ThugKnight


    Yeah, she’s not the hottest, but she does good cosplay. I like how she turns them into actual wallpapers instead of just photos.

    In case you missed that the 1st time. You goin’ in too much πŸ˜›


    Back to the topic I found this yesterday guys look at her she’s 5’11 at a 155 pounds she won’t do nudes she thinks she’s a professional and I been checking out this site called model mayhem and there are alot of better girls that would pose nude for the right pose this girl just sucks completely.

    @Doom: Bro your such a liar if Jessica Alba wanted to give you a lap dance you know you would you’d be just looking around the room so much to see if your girl ain’t hiding probably I know we all would but it sucks that we couldn’t enjoy it. We’d all look confused when she would come up to us and be like why are you not looking at me or what’s wrong your not enjoying my company then we’d all be screwed trying to not tell the truth. Speaking of something I just watched Mac and Devin go to High School on Netflix yesterday why can’t we have massage parlors like they did in that movie like when Snoop hooked up Wiz Kalifah with a $350.00 massage now I’m not saying I would go to a place like that but damn wouldn’t that have been interesting.

  8. thank you and yes, i believe if i was single i would be different with jessica, trust me.. but. im taken,
    now on thee other hand i cant say if i where single becase it slightly implicates that we broke up.
    lets say, if i had never met my girl. and jessica sat on my lap… she would learn what the master sword is all about, lol. i would hit it like mario hitting the coin box. like samus’s screw attack. like little mack with a knock out star. and she would know that my name is THE LORD when i lay my vengeance upon that booty. pure sex karate. like the seven chambers of the wutang clan, i dont even know what that means… but id hit it so hard the gods would take a knee… lol.

    jessica alba, sin city, omg…. lol
    thinking out loud again sorry…

  9. @DOOM: Hahahahahaaaaaaa!
    Well, if Jessica Alba sat on my lap, surely I’d use all my Jedi skills to make her believe I’m a multifunctioning relaxing armchair… πŸ˜›

    But I really like what you said: full respect, bro! πŸ™‚

  10. i said george clinton, my bad, sorry rick james..
    wherever you are.. lol.

    ghost of rick james. please dont &#@% my couch up!! lol.

  11. i got the girl im settling down with, i love her with every inch of my heart.
    i wouldn’t sleep with this girl if the opportunity presented its self. because i dont cheat.
    even if jessica alba sat on my lap, id force push her off of me like a F***ing jedi. i belong to one woman, period….

    but im not blind,
    this bitch is george clinton SUPER FREAK

  12. you hafto see that when a girl dresses up like this shes reached a sexual level thats beyond, i can see it in this girl. she definitely dresses for thee occasion if you know what i mean… and if shes on that level,, she WILL beak your **** off!!! LOL
    this girl will probably do cartwheels around any ‘regular’ chick in the sack. you just gotta have N eye for that sort of thing i guess..

    i see this one body beating a MAN against the bedpost!! lol. giddy UP LOL

  13. @ThugKnight – I think you’re missing the point of this theme.
    You should see her without the makeup. You really wouldn’t be happy, LOL.

  14. There is nothing wrong with average I just feel like this girl is getting so much attention and she’s not even that hot well what can you say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder right?

  15. @ThugKnight – What’s wrong with average? My wife is an average white woman with something to show. She’s better looking than this girl, but my wife ain’t dressing up like Wonder Woman no time soon, lol.

  16. @doom- Homie you need to get your eyes checked my wife even looks hotter then that she’s just an average white girl with nothing much to show. The costumes ok that’s one thing I can agree on you but as far as her looks she’s just average.

  17. you know this chic is a handfull
    i could totally get into the wonder woman.
    i mean common some of these outfits
    she puts on are sexy as hell

    tell me you wouldn’t want to come home to wonder woman and your straight outta your mind. lol.

    i would …. her right in the ……. …..
    id dress up like a bad guy and let her punch me in the face a few times..

    then she could dress up like a villainess and
    kick my … lol.

    every day would be a new adventure.

    freaky deaky.

    slaps and bites..

    am i thinking out loud again ?

    sorry. lol.

  18. @OPTIMUS, K_R_17, beyond76 – Thanks guys πŸ™‚

    Serina Harper:

    i didn’t find it funny lol just semi funny not the same ok

    As long as you chuckled silently, lol.
    I put together a slideshow with 8 backgrounds. All Optimus. In 2 of them he’s with Grimlock and 1 with Marky Mark and the Fu…jus playin’ πŸ˜€
    I just have to do the icons. It should be in the next update.

  19. @Serina Harper – LOL, you -1’d my comment? Come on, you know that was funny πŸ˜€

    I like to use poster material rather than screenshots. I found a few almost exclusively of Optimus. I won’t be able to get it up before the realease though. Maybe the next week – maybe.

  20. yeah i understand but yeah its better to have the humans in their once & awhile

  21. @Serina Harper – I’ll try my best, but I’m not confident. I’m doing a couple of updates and other themes. I want to at least make a slideshow, but there aren’t a lot of cool pics. I really don’t want the humans in it.

  22. Ultra could you please make a TransFormers Age Of Extinction & A TransFormers Trilogy themes b4 the movie comes out next week on the 27th lol sorry if u didn’t get my 1st response from last time

  23. @Tech Ninja – Thanks dude. Extract these icons, so you have a full set and try the Ultra Slideshow Lite. It’s easy πŸ™‚

    @ThugKnight – Yeah, she’s not the hottest, but she’s does good cosplay. I like how she turns them into actual wallpapers instead of just photos. I also did this quick to test the Ultra Slideshow Lite.

  24. Dude you must know this chick Leah or something I had no clue who she is until I just saw that website. Nice theme though even though she ain’t that hot to me. I guess I just like enjoy watching SSSniperwolf.

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