Theme by Lanes8
This is HD only slideshow and is an Ultra slideshow with 12 HD images.
As with some past themes, all icons have been re-sized to make images look better. Now I know I’ve used these icons for awhile now, but if you have any suggestions please let me know. Thank you!
As stated before, I won’t accept requests.
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I’ll say having semi-clear icons would work best since they go with anything. But completely changing the icons could work as well. It does get kinda boring looking at the same icons but not a big deal.
BTW Zhero if you really dislike the theme for the style then you should make your own themes. It seems that you obviously have the “knowledge” to make them yourselves.
@ZHERO; All I can say is that I’m an Amateur and it’s my decision if I want to learn more about Photoshop or taking classes on how to, so if you don’t like how I do it then you should restart making themes your way.
I want to say that your opinion is your own and I respect that but it won’t change a thing on how I make my themes.
Also, don’t take it on charli_el_, he was just making an opinion on the girl and not you, so you need to chill out.
bthw charli_el_ , Jessica Nigri looks like a meth/crack WHORE! MIND UR OWN BUSSINESS MF!
y’see lanes old boy, if you would take a few photoshop classes, you could SEE that positioning the 1920 X 1080 wallpapers does not take hours IF YOU HAVE ANY TRAINING OR SKILL! This fellow for example can keep the icons out of the faces. YOU ARE JUST MEDIOCRE AND LAZY!!!
@Lanes8> Well good sir, you handled that with grace and class. You deserve a certified golf clap +1.
@ZHERO; first of all, I appreciate your feedback and as to requests, I was swamped with requests and I didn’t have time to do them all and I had a few replies about maybe thinking of doing some new icons, so that’s why I wanted suggestions on new icons.
As to the icons covering the faces, It took me hours on this and a other themes trying to make sure the icons didn’t cover the faces, but I guess from you it didn’t work. Now all images aren’t perfect and most of the images I use are already in 1920×1080 so I can’t really crop the image without ruining the pixels and making the image look horrible. This is also a reason why I re-sized the icons to be smaller.
Don’t get me wrong, I welcome feedback and take it into consideration.
Let me say on here first, I’m considering accepting requests again but with limited circumstances, but I’m not 100% sure yet.
@charli_el_; thanks for the clarification
@ZHERO: Requests = “Please make a theme of…!!!”
Suggestions = “The themes will be better with other icons”.
I love Jessica Jane, but she will never overtake Jessica Nigri xDDD
Wait, you want suggestions but you don’t want request? HUH??? Here is a suggestion: FIX THE WALLPAPERS ON YOUR THEMES SO THE ICONS WONT BE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LADIES FACES. It looks like crap!