Theme by OPTIMUS
[All logos, names, characters and/or images depicted in this theme are trademarks and/or registered trademarks, and are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.]
Tribute theme in memory of William Moody: born April 10, 1954 – died March 5, 2013.
Known as Paul Bearer, in the role of The Undertaker’s manager, he will become a Hall of Famer in 2014.
Another piece of history is gone, but your legend will never die: goodbye Paul, Rest In Peace…
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That’s a good idea.
Hey OPTIMUS Can You Make a Ultimate Warrior Sidesshow Theme ? Nobody Made a Ultimate Warrior Theme Yet
@baddad01: You know, veeery long ago (actually, I’d say it’s been EONS ago
) I had the immeasurable pleasure of meeting my wrestling heroes in person: Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, The Undertaker, André The Giant, Jimmy “Super Fly” Snuka, and all the other ones… oooh maaan, I couldn’t believe my eyes!
I always been a wrestling fan since the days Hogan was known as “The Super Destroyer” and then as “Ichiban”, when he fought in Japan against – but also in team with – the great Antonio Inoki (useless to say that Hulk Hogan is one of my favourite ever… lol!
Well, I was a great fan during the 70s / 80s / first half of 90s and I still am somehow, but… don’t hate me, my friend, but I sadly have to say I’m not a fan like before, because the current wrestling is not wrestling anymore. Today’s wrestlers are no longer REAL wrestlers: they only seem actors who play a role in a big show (sorry for the pun, lol!) just to entertain people…
I mean, they still are professionals, of course, but they now are more actors rather than wrestlers and every match seems just a “farce”, by now. Out of the ring, they talk too much (to obviously play the role of the characters they represent) and when they’re in the ring, they play that role even more, in order to enphasize the match and so the show.
In the ’80s, for example, it was the same more or less (do you remember the absurd feud between Hulk Hogan and Macho Man, because of Miss Elisabeth?) but the difference is that – in order to carry on the “stories” built around the characters – everything that usually happened back then was part of the show only outside the ring and/or in the backstage, because once the wrestlers were on the ring, fight and competition were the only things that mattered.
So, today I keep on watching wrestling, but with the consciousness that the good old days are now gone…
Anyway, back to the theme you asked for: well, actually I don’t make animated/dynamic/slideshow themes. I’m an “old school” theme maker, ie I make only static themes by drawing everything with my own hands…
However, sometimes I collaborate with other themers – like uLtRaMa6nEt1c and Faxtron – to create special themes (like the one I’m still working on, since August of the past year, for example), so I’ll see what I can do with yours.
The only thing is that, because of my health conditions, I’m not that active like before, so it takes quite some time to make a theme: in short, it means you’ll have to be patient…
ok thanks optimus last night went to wwe live where i am from it was awesome to see some of the wwe superstars that i have not seen except on tv.
@baddad01: Uh, sooo sorry, mate, I didn’t check my themes for a while and I’m seeing your comment just now

Well, it’s now 7 months I’m working on a particular theme, so I can’t do anything else for now… but I’ll see what I can do as soon as I finished this theme
optimus can u make a slideshow one of the undertaker and paul bearer together in different scenes please i have been watching them since the beginning of their careers and i have all the undertakers matches he has ever been in.
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c & hottscott40
=> uLtRaMa6nEt1c: LOOOL! Yeah, as I said, I could go on forever mentioning all the good old wrestlers: actually, I always liked them all…

Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Doink & Dink, Shawn Michaels, The American Dream, Rick Flair, Honky Tonk Man, The Million Dollar Man Ted Di Biase, and sooo on…
Sure I remember the cartoon! And think that I still have the official World Wrestling Federation action figures and the ones made for the cartoon itself, lol!
Aaahh, memories…
=> hottscott40: Thanks a lot, mate!
awesome theme of paul
Macho Man Randy Savage all day. Rowdy Piper too. Those were my dudes. Iron Shiek, Nikoli Volkoff, George The Animal, Jake The Snake, Paul Orndorf, Sgt. Slaughter, Ricky The Dragon, Cocoa Beware, Junk Yard Dog, Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, etc. etc. I seem to like the villains more. Zeus, lol. No Holds Barred.
Who remembers the cartoon?
=> FURY: Thanks a lot, mate!
Well, I’m sorry, but I only make static themes…
Anyway, you can ask to one of my very talented friends here like Faxtron, Audiodeviant, Ultrama6net1c and many others
=> AUDIODEVIANT: Thanks, my friend!
Yeah, Ultimate Warrior was one of my favourite too, along with the great Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, Jimmy “The Superfly” Snuka, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, The Bushwakers, André The Giant, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, British Bulldogs, and many many others (I could go on for days, lol!)…
great theme optimus……. i’d like to see a chris benoit and eddie guerrero dynamic theme if you wouldn’t mind making it… perhaps with both of them celebrating at the end of wrestlemania 20 as champions.
cool , 80’s icon there bro.. and the icons are great too lol … i loved the ultimate warrior he was my fav .. +1
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c & Faxtron:
Yeah, I too miss the good old wrestling (and the great 80’s as well)…
Thanks a lot, guys!
Thanks OPTIMUS. +1
Aww man, I miss 80’s wrestling
I really can’t watch the new stuff.
R.I.P. +1