Rangers Football Club (HD)

Theme by cn

Requested Rangers theme, contains 1 HD background and 1 SD but it will work best in HD!

Enjoy, and feedback welcome 🙂

(Please no arguments over team on here, just rate the theme as a theme. It was a request and I would appreciate it, thanks)
Download Here

7 thoughts on “Rangers Football Club (HD)

  1. chris:

    good them m8 you done well now am just wondering could you do me a glasgow celtic theme please for my son hope you can help me out thanks


    Thanks buddy i’m looking forward to it.

    Just an update guys. @chris there are already some Celtic themes up here but no LA Galaxy themes as of yet, so I have started work on @Joe’s Galaxy theme first. If I have time the Celtic one should follow soon after.

    Please be patient, thank you 🙂

  2. thanks m8 and it was me tht requested it not the other chris am a die-hard rangers fan. good work

  3. Joe:

    Nice theme dude could you please do me a LA Galaxy theme hope u can help me too thanks.

    Thanks 🙂 Again it may be a while but I will let you know here soon. (1 week to make – 1 week to be uploaded)

  4. chris:

    good them m8 you done well now am just wondering could you do me a glasgow celtic theme please for my son hope you can help me out thanks

    Is this the Chris who requested this? If so I’m glad you like it. It may be a while but I will let you know here if I can get it done 😉

  5. good them m8 you done well now am just wondering could you do me a glasgow celtic theme please for my son hope you can help me out thanks

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