PS3 WWE CM Punk Animated v2 [Update 2 for FW 4.0]

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 WWE CM Punk Animated theme for ” FURY” with Custom icons and original sounds.Firmware 4.0 compatible. For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3. Like always for free πŸ™‚

Enjoy !
Download Here


27 thoughts on “PS3 WWE CM Punk Animated v2 [Update 2 for FW 4.0]

  1. Can you make one for the miz ? this is by far the best theme i’ve seen so far.

  2. my cm punk theme has no music, but can i use a different cm punk song, and if so how do i?

  3. @ trademarke Thanks for your comments thats words mean a lot to me! The venture bros theme is in my list for themes to create, since you tell me about, but I have a problem I don’t see the animated series yet and I dont know nothing about the series. Can you give me links to videos in HD that have a good secuence to edit a video to make the theme in a future. I will try to take time to start to view the animated series looks cool and to get ideas for the theme.

  4. I totally understand about needing time to create and making themes that are appealing to everyone. I just thought I’d ask because I like your work and you make so many great themes. If you make a Venture Brothers theme I think people will love it.

  5. @XCWSBoss Hi mate ! I’m Sorry but, I don’t like the idea of create or upload here a theme for only one person… your video is awsome but, once is finished only one be downloaded. You know is a personal theme. Why I don’t want to create and upload here personal themes ? because this take time to create and I don’t want to consume that time for a theme for only one download. In the process of making themes and create themes, I’m thinking in all us here and hoping that many of us like the theme. If I create a theme like this only you be the only one that can download, because the theme topic its about you and not about a game, movie, sports or other, and no one be interest. Sorry my friend, BTW someone ask me for a “gas mask theme” like my signature theme or logo theme and for the same reason I don’t upload that theme here. I think no one here want to see my logo or your logo on the PS3 all the time. My friend I only can do something for you and is give you the link of the video tutorial : Create this class of themes its like you are creating a slide show theme. So you can take the glowball slide show totorial as base if you want. I recomend you something, start making a slide show theme first and then go for the animated. πŸ™‚ I can help you in the process of learning on how to do it and I know that if you ask Glowball to help you he give you the help like me πŸ™‚

  6. hi Faxtron,
    i want to make me a custom xcws dynamic theme but i dnt hv the software nor the brain for it i was woundering if you think if you hv the time you can try to see if you can help me out i loved your cm punk the edits are real good cant really tell sony from your work it looks that good but if you want to try and tackle this one ill gv u a video link to one of my short vids i hope you can do this

  7. don’t worry about time Faxtron.. like i said this Cm Punk Theme will be good enough for me for a while.. as long as your able to make a dynamic theme of Lita im cool with it.. i understand you have a life LOL i do too just do what you want bro i was just asking if you could put it on your list for future creations.. im trying to get through some games as well i actually just downloaded mass effect 2 so i’ll be playing that for a while.. and i actually don’t own a computer.. i do all of this from my PS3 but i understand that you want a link to the video of Lita that i would like in the theme.. all i can do is send you a youtube link or something of the right video.. i appreciate your time Faxtron.

  8. BTW: I will take a break to create themes for all the holidays that are near. I have some new games that i’m playing right now that I want to finish first, but don’t worry I will do it. I need something, the link to the videos in HD to create the theme.

  9. Well for both let see what I can do. For now I can’t I have to many work to do for me at the moment. Definetly I will put in my list to themes to create. You know I have other ideas and themes to create first but went I get the time I will do it.

  10. hey bro.. i was wondering if you could possibly make a dynamic theme of Lita from the WWE “Amy Dumas” she is my favorite female wrestler of all time and please make it without the video of her making out with edge in the video LOL i think that’s what her recent video was.. make it with the video of just her and her eyes flashing in the purple/red clouds.. i know your busy making a lot of other themes but please put this on your list of themes to make… i would appreciate this more than you know.. thanks in advance brother..

  11. i love what you did with this. the style of this theme is awesome. if you are taking requests/challenges i would love to see a dynamic “Venture Brothers” theme

  12. awesome theme Faxtron… i just downloaded it and couldn’t be more happy with the way it turned out.. thanks again brother

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