Theme by Faxtron
PS3 Lita Animated with Custom Icons created by toxic and original sounds. For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3. Like always for free
I recomend to play with the brighness because some themes looks better with difetents brightness settings.
Download Here
could you make a demon kane one like this?
Can you Please make one of EDGE -Thank You
@FAXTRON: Well, you know… maybe it’s a good thing they’re not transmitting it anymore: actually, I didn’t like the current wrestling so much.
I still prefer the good old wrestling of the 80’s/90’s, with all the superstars of the past like the great Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Jimmy “Super Fly” Snuka, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, Coco B-Ware, Sergeant Slaughter, Iron Sheik, and all the others…
here were I live is transmitted only that I don’t see it anymore…I made this theme for Fury 
Uh! Nice theme, mate!
Unfortunately, wrestling is no more aired here in Italy…
Thanks to all
lol real tron would of been nicer. but great theme anyway lol
Thanks for creating this theme for me FaxTron… i appreciate it brother..
The theme is very nice m8 but toxic done a great job on those icons. I suspect we will see theme in all wwe themes :).
The icons are awesome!