Theme by Yogosan

A fairly minimal theme with 2 HD and SD backgrounds, custom icons, that’s it! Enjoy.
Download Here

24 thoughts on “15

  1. I’m talking about how the trophy icon is (I believe not 100% on color) green whereas the other icon in the PSN category are blue. Just thought I’d specify if you even consider it. Once again if you can’t it’s cool & thanks for creating such awesome themes. Also my PSN is subcity-hitman75, if you do choose to update it could you message me & if not once again it’s cool lol. Soryyy for rambling & thanks again.

  2. Can you fix this so that the trophy symbol color matchs the colors in it’s new location under account management. I really loved this theme but I’m very OCD about things like that. If you can’t it’s cool.

  3. ARRIVA ITALIAAA!!!! hey bro relly awesome theme wit the background and theme together but where can i find the background would really apprecitated thanx

  4. hey really awesome but where can i find the black n white background r would really appreciated.??!!

  5. actually the theme that most inspired me was by mike1288, Lab it was called, it made me think what another cool way would be to have the icons sit on the wallpaper. it was the first theme i saw that really merged the icons and the wallpaper

  6. i figured because it was black and white it would be said it was like aniom, but the icons are different, and the whole theme was based on the idea of having the wallpaper wrap around the icons like it does.

  7. @PENNINGSTONED420: Now that you point out… yep, it’s true! Lol!
    But in my opinion, the Aniom series was starting to be quite repetitive, almost a spiritless technique demonstration… 😛

    As for the 80’s theme… time ago, Faxtron and I were talking about the good old days, and suddenly popped out the idea to make an animated theme based on an old 80’s movie. But, given that I cannot make animated themes, we decided to cooperate: so, I created the background and the elements that need to be animated, and I sent them to Faxtron who will provide to create the animation.
    Now, I’m working on icons, but I decided to make them very simple (because I want the background stands out more than the other things) so I think the theme should be ready soon.
    Stay tuned, mate! 😉

  8. Reminds me a lot of one of the Aniom themes but thats not a bad thing. I’m sure I’ve said it before & I’m saying it again…Great Job YOGO!!

    OPT- Where is your 80’s awesomeness theme? I need a trip down memory lane!

  9. Nice, I love how you made the space for the time, mail/message, # friends display, in the top right corner

  10. Yeah! My friend Yogosan is finally back, and he gave us another superb theme, of course!
    Oh man, I started loving it since I saw the preview! 😀

    Great job!

  11. I think of a theme like that , not like it like it but the idea of icons completing the background .. good theme I ( like it ) .. really .

  12. thanks faxtron, i kept getting an error when uploading it with firefox but it worked with chrome, i just hope the error stopped the theme from being uploaded, otherwise i uploaded it 5 or 6 times :S

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