
Theme by elijahblake

just a simple Android theme
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8 thoughts on “Android

  1. I don’t know if this was intended or not but I think you got the video and video album icons reversed. Anyway awesome theme! 5/5

  2. Yep, I agree: as I already said, I didn’t expect from Rockstar… 🙁
    However, I just bought it… and I’m going to play it! 😀

  3. ha, i haven’t seen all that.. I mean i’ve noticed small things. Like in the first scene where i walked in a bar or something (think it was a cutscene) my guy walked straight through another guy.

    But bugs or not, it’s def. a fun game. it is kinda sad that Rockstar didn’t do better on QA though.

  4. Update: lots of bugs are coming out in RDR.

    A friend of mine told me that he entered into a building and when he came out the character became invisible. He tried to enter and exit several times, hoping to fix it, but there was nothing to do…
    And I saw 2 videos: in the first one, the character rides an invisible horse; the second video shows a cart that bounces and bounces and bounces… when suddenly flies away with the poor horse attached! O_O

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