DK Media Home v1.6

Theme by Delay81

Hi this is Final 1.6 version.
Theme is now done and will be only updated to integrate new Icons or by special request.

Icons Fixed: User,Friends,Powersave,

Icons Changed: Settings,Credit Card,Network,Game,Some Wallpapers Replaced.

10 Wallpapers Total.

Greetz, Delay81
Download Here

6 thoughts on “DK Media Home v1.6

  1. Hi Kiroq.
    Upload it later today.

    Differences are: Powersave, the Media Player (used a Winamp skin by Michael McBriar)
    and the new (Black) Video icon.

    Please post wich version u like more!

  2. i really would like to see the alternate version of this and i would appreciate it if you could put it up

  3. I noticed a continous downrate since a while. It must be hard to be not on top of the list.

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