DK Media Home v1.61

Theme by Delay81

Uploaded by request.
1.61 is a alternative version.

Differences are: Powersave, the Media Player (used a Winamp skin Created by Michael McBriar)
and the new (Black) Video and Video Settings icon.

!!! Thanx and greetz to Michael McBriar !!!

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12 thoughts on “DK Media Home v1.61

  1. everything is gud but can u tell meh where you get ur icons and backgrounds and everything else plz thx nd keep it up dis theme is HOT!!!!!!

  2. hey man nice job on the theme love the alien ware design AND CAN YOU MAKE LIKE THE MUSICPLAYER VIDEO DIFFERENT LIKE CHANGE THE GLOBE TO A BALL FLACE

  3. The one thing I don’t like in 1.61 is Halos Head. I HATE HALO! But other than that good job.

  4. Hi,
    thank you but wait till u see v2.0. and it’s new interface (not icons) completly created by me. Release should be in 1 or 2 weeks.
    (yes, it’s not 1.62, because i’ve changed a lot it’s now v2.0)

  5. Gotta say i love this theme, the wall papers, icons, all very stylish, and it can only get better 😀 keep up the good work.

  6. love the themes u make but can u make a different icon for the users and friends icons. they look like master chief heads. i can’t sport that on my ps3. thanks and keep u the great work.

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