Theme by S_Y_N_1_S_T_3_R

My original REALiZTiK theme updated to firmware 3.40 (New “Video Editor & Uploader” icon added) Also contains new minis save data icon.
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8 thoughts on “REALiZTiK_3

  1. was wondering if u could help me please? i’m looking for a theme that has a bloody hand in a frosted shower background and dripping blood icons,its similar to the Gothica theme but without the writing, i use to have it but can’t find it anywhere

  2. Reallu great themes man, love your work!!

    Have a question though… Why is it that the Playstation Network icon always stays as the original blue orb with the controler buttons (triangle, circle, x and square)??

    Is there a way to replace it? I think its messing up the overall look of most themes (not this one though)…

  3. Damn its an excellent theme m8 congratulations … the only thing that i dont like its the customized sound but anyway its 5/5

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