Seeing is believing

Theme by A1L3

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3 thoughts on “Seeing is believing

  1. This is by far my favorite theme of 2009 so far. If you could upload some soft, subtle sounds to it and maybe one or two more very sleek backgrounds this would be perfect. Also make sure you upload it to the PSU website for PS3 themes.


  2. looking to make an upgrade/update to this themes im open to suggestions

    if anyone knows where i can get like a big download of sounds that i can use for this please do so

  3. looking for what i need to do to make this better open to suggestions
    also looking for soudns to use on an update to this
    offer up some backgrounds for my next theme looking to get serious
    im already working on the next theme with basically the same icons

    like i said im just looking to add sound and giving you the fan a chance to pick the backgrounds:P

    note this will only be my thrid theme first one did not support 2.4+ firmware

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