Tech Windows 8 November 22, 2012 Theme by Robert McDermott In the making of this Windows 8 theme all the icon’s are windows metro form Microsoft Windows 8. Some Icon’s are still in the making. Download Here
win 8 themes ps3 themes?
Most of the icons can not be changed and all icons are from Windows 8 but ill be making a Windows 8.1 theme as Microsoft releases it
thanks for your time excellent theme
nice theme where did u get the icons from i like the whole windows 8 thing i got it on one of my Hard drives on my costome computer I LOVE IT
@CGG I Agree
good job
Awesome theme. Icons rare missing but generally a very good theme
Windows 8 is shit
this theme awesome, but it needs some icons that fit with windows 8
missing lots of icons
liked how it visually looks, nice theme